Monday, June 14, 2010

Mother's Day!

May and June have been have been busy busy. Obviously I am way behind in posting since it is June 14th and am just now talking about Mother's Day, but we have been having a great time!

For Mother's day my mom took us all to a DBacks game in Phoenix. Tyler, Taryn and I went a day early and visited with Aunt Pam and Uncle Mike and Hanna. It is always great to see them!

And the game was much fun! Taryn's Grandad bought her first cotton candy and of course she loved it!
Our team lost. But the company and experience was great!
More to come soon!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This morning after Taryn and I prayed she mimicked me and said "amen." How very sweet!!! I love it! She is picking up new things every day! We are very thankful for this smart healthy beautiful baby!

New baby is doing very well and will be here in just about 6 months now!

Praises all around!


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Baby Watson

Our new baby should be here the last week of October. We will have to have another C-section. So as we get a little closer we will have a better idea of the day. Tyler and I are guessing October 28th or 29th. I am happy to know that the 31st comes on a Sunday this year so we don't have to worry about it being that day!
The baby's heart beat is strong and the doctor says everything looks very healthy and strong! It is an overwhelming feeling of happiness and joy that I get when I hear and see that tiny heart just beating away. Again I am reminded that we are blessed with so much more than we deserve! God's grace is HUGE and God's love is OVERWHELMING!

It is warming up here pretty quickly! This weekend we filled up Taryn's pool! It was kinda late in the day when we filled it so it was not very warm water. But isn't she SO cute in her little suit!
Do you notice the ponytail? Haha, I have to much fun with this little child!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I wonder....

At what age do we begin to resist the urge to do this?

Or this...

Or this...

Maybe she will stop when she realizes what the toilet is really for huh?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Taryn today.

Taryn is such a sweet little child! About a week ago I heard her and Miss Mandi (Taryn's babysitter) reading a book and when Miss Mandi asked "what does the dog say?" my baby said "wuf!" Ah! It made me so happy, and feel a little embarrassed that I had not tried to ask those types of things yet! We read books, but I just had not though of it. So since that day I have really been trying see what other things she can pick up. And here is the report of AMAZING things she did today: She covered her mouth when sneezing and coughing (very cool), She read the words "arms up" and put her arms up then read "arms down" and put her arms down (also very impressive), She tells me when I ask what a cat says "mow" like meow but without the "e" sound (I am really proud of this one because I don't have to remind her she just knows and says it), Also she will tell that a sheep says "baaa" and dog says "wuf" but needs to be reminded of those sometimes. Oh! and I almost forgot! She knows our dog's name and calls him! She gets excited to see him. So, this morning I heard her awake and went to get her out of bed and Petey (our dog) followed me into her room. She saw him and screeched "Peeee" and did not even want me to hold her any longer. She was reaching down, I put her down and she hugged him! Does that just melt your heart! And the funniest thing I can report for today is about dinner this evening. I really try to give her the same things we are eating, or if it is to spicy I will give her something very close because, you know, she knows if she is not getting the same things. Tonight we were having burgers and green beans. I gave her her own plate with green beans on it and her burger I had broken into small pieces so she could feed herself without taking to huge of bites. But when Daddy sat down to eat his food she was very unhappy and was asking me for "more, more" I couldn't figure it out. she had the same thing. Finally we decided that she was missing a bun. So I took her plate from her, got out a bun, put on a small amount of ketchup so the tiny pieces of beef would stick, put her broken up burger in the bun and Daddy gave it back to her. She knew it was very special now because it looked exactly like Daddy's. Then she proceded to eat her hamburger on its bun just like a regular big kid. I have photos of all this and I will try to put them up. It is really something you need to see so you can laugh with me.
I always have heard that it is so special to be a mother, but God is truly creative. He didn't have to make it fun to be a mom, but He did. He didn't have to make laughter or joy, but He did. Even though it is a job with the occasional difficult duties I am taking it all in and really enjoying this creative gift of motherhood.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sunday was a fun day!

This Sunday (2/28) started out like any usual Sunday, so Tyler thought. We got up. I made breakfast. We all got ready for church and went. First, we dropped Taryn off at the nursery to play with Miss Julie. Then we went to get our sugar and caffeine. No caffeine for me, but no one noticed since usually I put hot cocoa right into my coffee. Today it was just cocoa and I giggled inside while I thought about how the rest of the day would play out. Off to Sunday school. We learned about evangelism styles. I was very glad we picked that class to go to. The things we learned were very helpful, and will be good to put into practice. Next was church. The praise music was some of my favorite songs that I really love to sing from my heart and truly worship! After we had corporate prayer for the offering I was thinking "Poor unsuspecting Tyler. He has no idea for one of the reasons I have such joy in my heart. But soon." The sermon was very good also! To me it went right along with what I learned in the previous hour. After that we went and picked up "The Toots" (Taryn) from the nursery and headed home where she was glad to take a nap.

As I prepared lunch I tried to keep my grins to myself. Tyler and I ate and visited a little while we also watched WWII in HD. Taryn woke up and I pulled out a sweet pink t-shirt that has a cute saying on the front. I took into another room where I had markers. Flipped the t-shirt inside out and wrote in large red letters BIG SISTER! Haha! I almost could not hold in the excitement! It would only be a few minutes now and the secret would be out! I took Taryn in the other room and changed her into this pink inside out t-shirt that had my handwritten message on the front. She and I walked back into the living room and I stood back as she made her way right to her daddy's chair. He looked straight at her and said "hi baby." He hadn't read the shirt. I still held my breath knowing it wouldn't be long. She takes him her favorite Easter bunny book and they read together. Still he didn't notice, but I could see the curiosity raise in his eyes to see her tag sticking out the back of her shirt. He shook it off. So finally I come to sit down on the floor by them. I knew that he could tell I was acting a little funny. Just then he says in a half voice "Why is your shirt inside out?...." he looked at the front of her and "Big sister? what does that mean? Whose big sister?" I just smiled really big and he says "Taryn is gonna be a big sister? We are going to have a baby?! Really?" Then he lets out a laugh (the happy/nervous kind) and his smile grew from cheek to cheek! He gave me a really big hug and says "Congratulations!"

The rest of the day was full of hugs and laughs. We called our parents and then we talked about when we should expect this new baby to be due, and how was I able to hold in the secret so well? Then of course what if it is a boy or if it is a girl? Which room do we want to put the new baby in? Do we keep the toots in her own room by herself? Do we change the office /spare room into a baby nursery room?

Aaaahh the fun and excitement only begins. But the best part is we know in our hearts that this is a gift from God!